Two thumbs up!

We did it mamas! The kids finished finals but WE survived another school year. We are in between seasons over here – no graduations, no major milestones, just half of high school and 2/3 of middle school behind us. My big boys dropped off my “little” guy and drove off to celebrate with friends. I have teenage drivers now (our world has changed since March).

I just ordered summer reading books for the fall and I am working on the weekly chore list and I’ve informed my kids that each of them will make dinner one night a week. And they’ll have to feed themselves lunch. Since our school has mandatory school lunch, I don’t make lunches anymore during the school year – except for myself and sometimes for Derek. And I’m not making them in the summer either. Just saying.

Next week they’ll start daily stength and conditioning and 7 on 7 football. They’ll do football camps for their respective positions and they’ll play Rugby 7’s – local and travel. They’ll start researching colleges and preparing for the SAT/ACT. And they’ll reach out to college recruiters.

We’ll clean closets and donate clothes. We’ll clean desks and get organized for August.

We’ll travel to see family and friends.

We’ll do a lot this summer. We may or may not check off all the boxes.

But for today, we celebrate! And dream of all that our summer can be!

Congrats, friends! We made it!